by Paul Fassa
See all TBYIL articles by Paul Fassa
Best Years in Life)
A common phrase used for chemtrailing is
aerosol spraying. Another is geo-engineering. Some claim the aerosol is
sprayed from nozzles away from the engines, and others claim it's part of
jet fuel. It could be both, but however the chemtrail is administered, the
liquid used keeps nanoparticles from clumping together so they will remain
as nanoparticles in the stratosphere and as they drift into the atmosphere.
That way
the particles retain their nanoparticle size as they filter down into the
lower atmosphere and into our lungs and vegetation. If you stubbornly
“believe” chemtrails don't exist, I don't want to bother with your
“scientific” rhetoric to deny the visibly obvious. But if you're open eyed
and curious, here are
some videos
that display
various chemtrailing activities.
The most
common chemtrail toxic metals reported worldwide are aluminum and
barium, discovered by collecting chemtrail residue from air filters,
open water containers, creeks and ponds, rain water, and mountain snow.
Chemtrail Aluminum
Nanoparticles Concerns
Dr. Russell Blaylock
is a retired neurosurgeon and author who's very outspoken on vaccine injury
and neurotoxins such as MSG and aspartame. He admits that at first he was
skeptical about chemtrail reports until he began noticing them himself.
simply needs to observe the differences among high altitude aircraft between
contrails and chemtrails. Contrails are short trails of ice particles from
jet vapors that evaporate quickly and disappear. Conversely, chemtrails
linger for hours stretching across the sky and fan out forming thin clouds.
Chemtrailing aircraft often create visible crossing patterns in the sky.
Blaylock explains how nanoparticles can enter the brain and spinal cord
quickly through the lungs and nostrils, and that nanoparticles are much more
inflammatory to tissue than other forms of environmental aluminum. He sees a
connection of chemtrails, beginning from around 1990, and their aluminum
deposits to the rise of neurodegenerative diseases, especially among young
people. He's talking about Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Lou Gehrig's
diseases, not autism spectrum disorders from vaccines, which Dr. Blaylock
has also covered extensively.
Blaylock also expressed concern over the saturation of plant, crop life, and
water with aluminum nanoparticles. He thinks chemtrailing must be curbed
before it's too late to minimize the threat of constant
aluminum toxicity surrounding us.
realize that aluminum causes neurological damage unless our immune systems
can quickly react or if we are able to eliminate the aluminum toxins
quickly. An aluminum toxicity expert, Dr. Christopher Exley, recommends a
liter and a-half of silica laden Volvic mineral water daily for at least
five days as a
specific agent to detox aluminum.
He claims other sources of silica, such as horsetail herbal tinctures, are
not as effective as this water. But I think (opinion) horsetail tinctures
would work if you can't find Volvic water or its price is a turn-off.
Barium's Function in
to international chemtrail residue reports, barium and cadmium are the most
commonly reported chemtrail deposits. And what if our immune systems are
suppressed? That may be the barium salts' purpose in chemtrails. Besides
irritating lungs and causing serious heart problems or digestive issues from
drinking barium contaminated water, barium can directly diminish the immune
Laboratory findings
have concluded that barium interferes with our bodies' activation of
T-cells, which are the attack cells against pathogenic microbes. If not
directly involved with destroying pathogens, T-cells support other immune
functions, including the destruction of cancer cells. This allows other
chemtrail heavy metals and biological disease agents found in some chemtrail
samples as well as in our food, air, and water to have a field day unless we
do everything possible to maintain a strong immune system, including
constantly detoxing. 

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