Sunday, 30 December 2018

My SEO Experiment

Every agent has the perfect fit and the last has had me starring down a rabbit hole.
As you are reading AI is fulfilling its purpose, thank you for participating.
Freeware had always been bleeding/leading edge technology to me now an unemployed IBM RPG legacy coder.
IP seemed moral/common sense and paramount in a world of gentlemen agreements.
Cloud seemed an oxymoron with disk cheapening by the second.
Web pages no longer require hosting fees, browsing freelance contracting I took the agents words to task.

Linkedin and Blogger analytics do not add up, hence this article that I will post on as many web pages as I can to try analyses and understand my internet traffic (pardon the I hope duplication).
Wordpress to my surprise was also free using their non selectable web address as one of its income generators. versus

No bank details are required to open a PayPal account (payment needs to be tested)!
N.B Some of my best feedback has been from agents.  

P.S. IBM RPG & Data pre 1990's is still restorable today even on new machines.

Please leave your comments, suggestions or feedback.


  1. Views 2018-12-31 - LinkedIn - Blogspot 22
    LikedIn - Wordpress 12
    LinkedIn - Post 2
    Wordpress 2
    Blogspot 9


  2. one can buy 5,000 video clicks in 30-second increments - for as little as $15

  3. I never tire of looking at videos of Chinese click farms. It's just so surreal to see hundreds of phones playing the same video for the purposes of fake engagement.

  4. Fake boobs then news now clicks say whaaaat....

  5. Views 2019-01-06
    LinkedIn - Blogspot 22 Now 63
    LikedIn - Wordpress 12 Now 26
    LinkedIn - Post 2 Now 5
    Wordpress 2 Unchanged
    Blogspot 9 Now 12

  6. If you have a list of URLs and keywords, so you can easily convert those URLs to HTML hyperlinks with keywords


Thank you for your feedback.

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